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logotipo sociedad vasca victimologia



About the SVV

The Basque Society of Victimology (BSV) is a scientific and non-profit society gathering professionals from different disciplines: Criminology, Psychology, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Social Work, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Sciences, History, Communication Sciences, Economy, Geography, Emergencies, Art, Security Studies, etcetera.

It is not a victim group and it does not represent any victim group. It is concerned with the study of any kind of victimization process (primary, secondary; direct, indirect; diffuse; hidden; etcetera), produced by abuse of power and international crimes, terrorism, homicides, injuries, sexual aggressions, domestic violence, gender violence, hate crimes, labor harassment, bullying, white-collar crime, etcetera. It includes any form of victimization through or in the cyberspace. It also analyzes other expressions of non-criminal victimizations, such as natural catastrophes, accidents, grave diseases, suicides or other conflicts affecting society and the public health.

Its final objective is to contribute to provide consistent information to society in order to create victim policies informed by scientific data and democratic values so that society can work with victims in their reparation and recovery, considering individual, community and societal factors.

The BSV was a founder member of the Spanish Society of Victimology and is member of the World Society of Victimology.



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Trabajar con víctimas de experiencias traumáticas

Journal of Victimology
Revista de Victimología

© Sociedad Vasca de Victimología

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